Many homeowners fall into the trap of relying on paint and mirrors to lighten up a room. While these are tricks that work, they’re just bandaid fixes that ultimately limit your design options. One of the best ways to make your house a home is to have great lighting in each room. And just as…
Home Lighting and Interior Design 101: Top Interior Design Tips From The Lighting Experts
Have you ever walked through your home and wondered, “why did my stuff look cuter online/in-store?” If you have, there’s a decent chance the problem is your home lighting. Product images and store displays always have excellent lighting, showing you the best possible version of their decor, paint samples, art, and furniture. But if you…
Lumens vs Watts: What’s the Difference?
Light bulbs have been lighting up our world for over a hundred years, but do we really understand how they work? When you go to the store to buy a replacement bulb, the box labels are filled with numbers and industry terms that can leave you wondering how to know which bulb you actually need.…